T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ORDU / ÜNYE - Puset Polvan Ortaokulu

Etiket Sonuçları: Living and non-living nature around us


Projemizin panosu oluşturulmuştur.Orman Haftasıyla bütünleştirmiş olduğumuz pano çalışmamızda,Geri dönüşüm,doğa ve çöplerin geri dönüşümü temaları ön plana çıkarıldı.


Projemizde öğrencilerimiz geri dönüşüm ,çevre temizliği  konularında çalışmışlardır.


LThe goal of the project is to know and be able to classify nature The goal of the project is to know and be able to classify nature into living and non-living.The goal of the project is to know and be able to classify nature into living and non-living.The goal of the pkkjkroject is to know and be able to classify nature into living and non-living.vintThe goal of the project is to know and be able to classify nature into living and non-living.o TheThe goal of the project is to know and be able to classify nature into living and non-living. goal of the project is to know and be able to classify natuThe goal of the project is to know and be able to classify nature into living and non-living.re into living and non-living.living and non-living.Living and non-living nature around us

The goal of the project is to know and be able to classify nature into living and non-living.Living and non-living nature around us

The goal of the project is to know and be able to classify nature into living and non-living.iving and non-living nature around us

The goal of the project is to know and be able to classify nature into living and non-living.